Thursday, September 1, 2022

Ontem e Semana Passada

Eu olhei no meu calendário pra ver o que eu fiz nos dias antes de quándo provei os meus joelhos e se eu podería fazer as revoluções fáçeis e fortes.

Eu ví que no padrão natural durante a mudança da casa ao apartamento eu tinha 4 ou 5 dias de descanso normalmente. No dia que eu provei eu só descansei por um dia entre a prova e o ultimo dia que trabalhei bem forte e isso não é quase nada. Os meus musculos não tiveram tempo suficiente para aumentar o glicogenio e descansar. Eles estavam acostumados a 4 ou 5 dias. Isto foi obvio ontem quando eu trabalhei por tres horas quase à exaustão. Quando a gente voltou do almoço eu quase não pude subir tres degraus para entrar na casa! Isto pra mim mostra que eu posso trabalhar fortemente por duas ou tres horas mas eu tenho que ter cuidado com a força e a duração do trabalho! 

A OBN não vai parecer hoje porque tudo disso tem que ver com o ciclismo.

Monday, June 23, 2014


OCN: 26 milhas com a equipe Cycle Logic Bike Shop.

Hoje, foi um dia exelente na bike! Foi a primeira vez em mais de seis meses que pude andar de bike com os meus caras da Cycle-Logic. A maioría do grupo chegou la. Um dos caras é da Espanha e tava muito desanimado porque o país dele ja saiu da copa. Mas os caras do México e os Americanos estavam muito animados. 

Eu e um outro cara estavamos esperando ser deichados no polvo dos outros mais depois de uma das serras mais dificeis a gente se separo e eu me confundi. Dois dos meu chapas queriam me acompanhar e os outros tres caras foram por uma ruta mais difícil que eu não estava preparado pra fazer. Só porque eu respondi que estava "morrendo" quando ele me perguntou como é que eu estava. 

A definição de um grupo que é uma familha é Cycle Logic. Eu ensistí que eles podiam continuar sem mim. Eles tambem esitiram e continuaram comigo. Eles eram mais fortes então o fato que eu tentei ficar com eles me ajudou muito. Agora só falta uma sessão de spin e uma sessão de uma montanha gradual que me lembra daquele monte na corrida do wildflower.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

OCN: 40 miles out on the road, at 16 plus miles I didn't feel so well and turned around and blew off the longer route, still got 40 though!

Yesterday, it was an indoor ride. Felt great, felt strong, etc.

Today, I was out with real gravity and wind and especially the heat. Sure enough I got some sunburn even! Ha!

Tomorrow, I ride with cycle-logic. Should be fun, I'm just not sure I'll be able to hang!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Yup, Did It!

OCN: One hour plus on the Trainer, rode in the Virgin Islands again :-) Added some spinning drills and some speed drills. Did not do intervals because I wanted some left in the tank for Saturday's ride if I chose to ride with a group!


I did it! After-finishing my chores I checked the temps outside and it was already in the 90s. By default that means I don't train outside! Which, thanks to the trainer, is no longer a problem. I tried a different bike today. I put the Litespeed Goat on there to see if it would work just as well as the TT rig and no problems. A little more adjusting at first, but no problem at all and I had fun!

I am surprised that I am having fun on the trainer! Perhaps, it is because I have never had this option and so the novelty and increased technology that I'm working with just add to the fun. Although, the fun with the increased technology just goes to prove what a "nerdlinger" I am according to my wife!

The Brooks Cambium C17 was great on the trainer. No problems, no discomfort whatsoever. Wore a bib-short with minimal padding and it performed very well! Mark of true quality, once the training started it was quickly forgotten.  I noticed they came out with a C15 that's lighter and narrower which neither were an issue for me. I would still love to try the one with the cutout. I was selected to test it, but perhaps they didn't want to incur the cost of over-seas delivery. That's ok, I still love my C17 and do not look forward to the day Brooks may want it back for show of wear for testing purposes.

I did seem to sweat profusely, but then the headphones I was using were over the ears with padding etc. Those things always make me feel all sweaty! Next time I won't forget my ear-buds :-)

Perhaps, I should be thinking in terms of a streak! Ride everyday no matter what! Is that possible?

Thursday, June 19, 2014

No OCN: Heat + Issues

OCN: Zip, zero, nada, nicht, etc.

There's the Rub

So a week has passed since that bad@$$ trainer ride, and I have some outside miles to speak of, 40 or so, but nothing else. Honestly there have been issues!

I have been suffering with the heat in preparation for upcoming events my wife and I are working hard to get some things done. Problems arise because by eleven in the morning the temps are already at 90 and above. Unfortunately, our current car/truck is not air-conditioned. Our cute little Saturn has run in to some trouble and we face the challenge of finding a company to work on it since GM decided to shut Saturn down and abscond with the plans for the nicer Saturn cars! Boo! Anyway, we have been getting overheated regularly. Read: on a daily basis. We have been walking quite a bit. So, yes! I'm losing a little, but I wanted to lose more while getting my bike shape/training back in line. Don't get me wrong, the walking has been fun! Hard, but fun! Our dog that loves scraps from Pop is way out of shape and last night when we added only one block to the routine she was not well. We are walking for all our sakes, but it is distressing to see one of us having so many issues. We have to increase our distance in one month to be able to do some regular walking in July. The issues that accompany over-heating are digestive/dehydrating. One cannot take chances in the heat. I learned my lesson last year when I started retching because of hyponatremia. Long story of how it happened, but no fun! Well, time to walk the daugz and check pMAIL!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


OCN: Obligatory Cycling Note - ORN: Obligatory Running Note - was a tradition started by the Dead Runners Society back in the day of bulletin boards and listservs. One can talk about anything, but one must enter an obligatory note about your sport. Today's OCN: Thanks to Cycle Scenery on YouTube for today's workouts: 5 min warm-up on city streets; 16 minutes on city streets in traffic on the way out of town, eventually I was out of the road for a thirty-minute ride in the Virgin-Islands. I still have some issues with changing gears on the hills. It 's new to me. 

CycleOps Trainer a Dream Come True

So at church I was lamenting not having been able to train due to the rain and upper-respiratory infection and immediately one of my buds from Choir was quick to offer the use of his CycleOps trainer. Unbelievable! Most units are close to three-hundred bucks and even the ones on sale are close to two-hundred dollars. I was going to see if Cycle-Logic Bike Shop had a used set of rollers or a used trainer - last I looked they had a trainer for around one hundred used.

Today was the first time I rode a workout on a trainer. I rode a full hour plus; it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I wanted to try-out a trainer because a few years ago I noticed a bunch of my friend's training take-off when mine stagnated. I didn't want to admit that it was spinning that made a difference, but it would seem that the addition made a difference for my friends. A lot of what I do is cheap based! Yeah, I'm cheap! I know my limitations; a 200 to 300 dollar purchase is not possible.

The dream come true started a few weeks ago when I got a shop in the house for the bikes (read: man cave for a bike geek :-). I worked out the repair stand not long ago, and now I have a trainer set up. I was limiting myself without knowing it just because I wanted to stay true to the outside. I enjoy riding out in nature and that makes a difference for me, but that shouldn't mean letting my training suffer because I can't get out. A few weeks ago I had a upper respiratory thing that got worse before it got better. When it did get better, we had three weekends of rain that was great for God's good Earth, but limited me. (Why, because I became a fair-weather rider when on the day after a very wet Friday I crashed badly at 34 mph when my front wheel hydroplaned). Ouch!

This morning, after getting the trainer from Big Mike at church, it started to sprinkle when I was taking the dog out. "No problem," I thought, "it gives me a chance to try out the trainer!" I still don't quite know how to adjust it, but I had great fun getting an hour in on the bike!

A little while ago, I heard lightening, still not a problem! My bike, is comfortably hooked up to the trainer without any issues. I look forward to riding inside tomorrow somewhere around the world virtually if the rain makes it too wet for me to ride outside. I'll just have to show my Brasil cycling jersey a little later this week :-)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

New Summer New Me New Challenges New Blogging New Routine

So what I see from so many years ago seems logical and still sound principles, but I believe I still have to strengthen my legs and my core in order to pick up where I was the last time I blogged here!

I no longer store my info here, the advent.of cloud computing and storage has allowed me store that stuff on my phone or google drive. The numbers are lower, but if you need to see something let me know :-)

The possibility of commuting is there. Talking my wife, the boss, into the idea is a different matter entirely. There have been times that I've worn wicking fabrics and such on days when she needed the truck; I was able to get through the day unscathed smelling like a daisy. The shower is still not an option since the last time I checked our coaches still had weight equipment in the shower area which is a result of it being a middle-school I am certain!